Key HR Documents Required

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HR Documents play a vital role in documentation process of an organisations and they act as a proof of evidence when it is required for a futuristic point of view whether it is for positive or negative happenings, they are to be maintained in all sorts of levels with proper safety and confidentiality.

In this context we will know about what sort of documents are used under which kind of vertical in HR which helps in building a team.

Recruitment Process

Job Description – A job description or JD is a written narrative that explains the general duties, or other related tasks, and responsibilities of a position

Offer Letter – An offer letter is a letter provided by a firm to a suitable candidate to become an employee in their organization that renders key terms of the prospective employee’s employment.

Manpower Requisition Form – The manpower requisition form is utilized when employers have staff positions to fill. If an employer requires to make a new employee or replace an employee who is moving the organization, he must submit a Manpower requisition form for approval. These requisition forms comprise the start date, job title, and job description.

Employment Agreement and contract – A written legal agreement between an employer and an employee, providing particulars about the employee’s job, pay, working hours, etc.

Recruitment Tracker – An applicant tracking system (ATS) is software that operates the recruiting and hiring process, including job postings and job applications. It projects data about job seekers and makes it searchable.

Candidate Evaluation Form – The candidate’s overall qualifications for the position to which he or she has applied are been evaluated by the interviewer by ranking their performance. The interviewer should give the candidate a numerical rating under each heading, and in the space provided the interviewer should write specific job-related comments.

Reference Check Guide – An employer contacts a job applicant’s previous employers, schools, colleges, and other sources to learn more about his or her work history, educational background, and qualifications for a position

Employee Handbook – Employee handbook (also known as employee manual or staff handbook) is a document which defines a company’s important policies and procedures and outlines its company culture. An effective employee handbook clearly describes your company’s mission, values, policies and rules to your fresh and existing employees.

Performance Appraisal Documents

Performance Review – In a performance review strengths and weaknesses, suggestions regarding performances feedback, and sets goals for future performance is given through a formal evaluation in which a manager assesses an employee’s work performance, It is also called as performance appraisals or performance evaluations.

Performance Improvement Plan – A performance improvement plan (PIP), also identified as a performance action plan, is a tool to provide an employee with performance deficiencies the opportunity to succeed. It may be used to address failures to suffice specific job goals or to improve behavior-related concerns.

Performance Appraisal Letter – An appraisal Letter assists to know the outcome of the performance appraisal process written by the HR department of an organization. It is reported to appreciate and encourage the employees for their hard work and accomplishment for a particular year.

Performance Warning Letter – Letters of reprimand are letters recorded by the supervisor to present an official statement of a performance problem that an employee needs to develop. However, they constantly come before a verbal correction to the employee—called a verbal warning or formal verbal warning.

Employee Compensation Documents

Salary Structure – A salary range structure (or salary structure) is a hierarchal group of employment and salary ranges in an organization. Salary structures oftentimes are shown as pay grades or job grades that present the state of a job in the external market and/or the internal value to an organization.

Components of the Compensation package – Details correlated to Salary and wages (Bonuses, Long-term incentives, Health insurance, Life and/or disability insurance, Retirement plans, Time off and flexible schedules, Miscellaneous compensation.)

Salary Slips – A salary slip contains a complete description of the employee’s salary segments like HRA, LTA, Bonus paid, etc, and deductions for a defined time period, normally a month. It may be published on paper or mailed to the employee by the employer.

ITR Declaration – To prove the Income-tax department through the means of Income Tax Return (ITR) filing, you formally share details about all incomes, including yet not limited to salary, with the Income Tax Department (ITD) of India.

Statutory Documents

PF – Employee Provident Fund is a scheme for providing a monetary privilege to all salaried individuals after their retirement. It is mandatory for an organisation employing more than 20 people to register with EPFO. While contributing towards EPF is mandatory for those earning basic wages of up to Rs 15,000. Those earning basic wages more than 15000 per month, EPF contribution is not mandatory.

ESIC – Employees’ State Insurance Scheme of India in the organized sector is an integrated social security scheme that renders social protection to workers and their dependents in predicaments, such as sickness, maternity, and death or disablement during an employment injury or occupational hazard. All employees of a covered unit, whose monthly incomes (excluding overtime, bonus, leave encashment) does not exceed Rs. 21,000 per month, are eligible to avail benefits under the Scheme. Employees earning daily average wage up to Rs.176 are exempted from ESIC contribution.

WLF – Labour Welfare Fund to ensure assistance to unorganized laborers. The contribution to the LWF fund by the employee is Rs. 6 for salary up to Rs. 3000 and Rs. 12 for salary above Rs. 3000.

Payment of Gratuity Act – Gratuity is a monetary benefit proffered by the employer to his employee at the event of retirement. A benefit plan where the employee don’t make any no contributions. Before 1972, there was no law where the employer was required to pay employees gratuity at the event of retirement.

Statutory Forms – A statutory form is a form generated by a government, usually intended to serve as a model form or a free form for the public. The subject of the form resides within the government’s statutes.

Employee Management & Recordkeeping

Employee Master File – It is a way of rendering an organization with a link to all of its essential data in one file, referred to as a master file or master data file, which renders a common reference platform.

Stationary Request template – This used to find out the amount and quantity of stationaries bought for the company.

Exit Process

Leaving Formalities – It covers the submission of related documents, ID cards, and other documents related to the company before leaving.

Relieving Letter – This is a formal letter that is dispensed to the employee at the time of leaving an organization. It is the formal way of acquainting the employee that his/her resignation has been accepted and he is discharged from his responsibilities and duties he/she was bound with subjected to the contract of employment signed by him/her.

Exit Interview Form – An interview is held with an employee about to leave an organization, typically to discuss the employee’s reasons for leaving and their experience of working for the organization.

Full & Final Settlement – Full and final settlement is a process that happens when an employee leaves your organization. This includes the employee getting paid for the last working month, accompanied by any bonus earnings or tax deductions.

These are the essential documents needed for an organisation to keep documenting of all happenings inside their organisation for a smooth flow of business. These will help the HR department to maintain the employee details in handy as well as the to show how legit their business is running with full satisfaction of the employees during the time of audit.

HR Documents Key HR Documents Required

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