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technology growth drivers

Top Trends Driving Growth in IT / Tech

The information age ensures that technology mutates at a rapid pace. Emerging vistas aim at making technology more advanced, yet simple enough to enhance the end-user experience. The race is continuously on to create something larger, more real, and useful. When time is always flying at a furious pace, technology has also constantly stayed ahead. […]
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Indian Education Industry Indian Education Industry

Indian Education Industry

India has been witnessing different education systems starting from Gurukuls in the ancient period to the school and college education in the modern era. There has always been a change as the industry grows. The global education industry market size is valued at $ 3,300 billion in 2020 and is expected to witness a compound annual […]
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Basics Of Valuation Basics of Valuation

Basics of Valuation

What is Valuation Valuation refers to the process of determining the present value of a company or an asset. It can be done using a number of techniques. Analysts that want to place value on a company normally look at the management of the business, the prospective future earnings, the market value of the company’s […]
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dinosaur 5995333 1920 How To Prepare A Realistic Financial Model

How To Prepare A Realistic Financial Model

Financial model A financial model is a set of assumptions about future business conditions that drive projections of a company’s revenue, earnings, cash flows, and balance sheet accounts. Financial modeling is the process of creating a summary of a company’s expenses and earnings in the form of a spreadsheet that can be used to calculate the impact of a future event […]
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books 768426 1920 Key HR Documents Required

Key HR Documents Required

HR Documents play a vital role in documentation process of an organisations and they act as a proof of evidence when it is required for a futuristic point of view whether it is for positive or negative happenings, they are to be maintained in all sorts of levels with proper safety and confidentiality. In this […]
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gel capsules 5834023 1920 1 Why Building an Organisational Culture is Important

Why Building an Organisational Culture is Important

Organizational culture includes an organization’s expectations, experiences, philosophy, as well as the values that guide member behaviour, and is expressed in member self-image, inner workings, interactions with the outside world, and future expectations. Increased employee engagement A work surroundings that possesses organisational culture is driven by purpose and clear expectations. This motivates and evokes employees […]
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